Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hillary Clinton leaves flowers for Our Lady of Guadalupe, asks ..

Maybe Hillary Clinton should have picked up a guidebook prior to her trip to Mexico. Last week the secretary of state visited the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It is the second most popular Catholic shrine in the world. Catholics believe the image of the Virgin Mary was miraculously imprinted on a peasant's cloak 500 years ago. The site has been visited by two Popes, and millions of admirers.
The treasured Icon was lowered from it’s usual space to allow the Secretary a closer view. Ms. Clinton laid a bouquet of white flowers at the base and studied the treasure for several moments in quiet reflection.
Upon leaving the shrine, Secretary Clinton turned to the Monsignor and said:
“That’s very beautiful ‘Padre’, who painted it”?
The Monsignor looked at her askance, paused a beat and said, “GOD“!
“Oh, it must be very old.”

And as she left the church, Clinton told some waiting outside,
"You have a marvelous virgin!"