Monday, June 15, 2009
An Obama Economics Primer
President Obama decided he would have a surprise town hall meeting in the sleepy little community of Cackti, Texas. He sent David Axlerod to check out the place and make arrangements for getting some “shovel-ready” projects on the front burner. Mr. Axlerod drove around the dusty deserted streets until he found the towns only hotel. Upon entering the lobby, he informed the owner that the President was coming to town and would require 15 rooms for three days. The owner, Mr. Jones said that he only had 15 rooms and that they would have to be fully paid in advance or else he could not afford to hold them. After all, you never new how many people might get off the 5:00 bus to take a breather and stay overnight. Mr. Axlerod placed a $100.00 bill on the counter and told Mr. Jones to hold the rooms for 20 minutes while he inspected the rooms and made sure they were acceptable. As soon as the President's man was upstairs, Mr. Jones snatched the bill and raced next door to pay his debt to the town butcher. The butcher drove to the edge of town and paid 100 dollars to the pig farmer. The pig farmer takes the $100.00 and runs it over to the Farmer’s Co-Op to pay towards his feed account. The guy at the Co-Op take the hundred dollars and hands it off to EllyMae the local prostitute who has had to start performing services on credit as times in Cacti are so bad. EllyMae races down the street and slaps the $100.00 bill on the hotel counter, paying towards her room charges. The proprietor nudges the bill back in its original place just as David Axlerod comes down the stairs, snaps the bill off the counter and storms out the door mumbling something about “I wouldn’t let an north Alabama hillbilly stay in this pigsty”! This is the Obama Stimulus Plan in a nutshell. It all looks good on paper, but where was the benefit? Did anyone really earn anything? Is anyone really better off? It’s a nifty little slight of hand trick and nothing more. Repairing pot holes in roads is not going to do anything for the economy. I heard it said yesterday, that these new ‘shovel-ready’ projects were going to be the greatest economic boom since the Eisenhower Interstate System. Building the road system certainly put a lot of people to work and was good for the economy. But, that was all paid for with taxpayer dollars. The real jump in the economy and the sharp upward spike in GNP, and creation of jobs came from that man who decided to put a Waffle House at every interchange in America. It came from the private businessmen who built the Holiday Inn’s, the restaurants and service stations, it all came from private investor’s putting there money and faith in good business practices. It came from common sense and sound capitalism. Wake up Mr. Obama, socialism and communism have never worked - Never!. Sooner or later you just run out of other people’s money. If you keep robbing Peter to pay Paul, one day Peter will catch up to you and break your legs.