I had promised to give the new Congress & Administration one year to settle in and ‘get the hang of things’. But the more fumbling international diplomacy I see, the bigger the spending bills get, and the more entitlement plans that are presented, I just don’t think we can afford to wait anymore. Let’s get them all out! - Out of office and out of D.C.
Members of Congress were never meant to have tenure; the more anti-Federalist of the founders wouldn't have wanted a government that required full-time, much less lifelong, service. Lawmakers usually pitched in for a few years upholstering the work of the framers, then went back to their plantations or law practices. This model of the citizen-legislator held for about 100 years, until government began to expand after the Civil War and the realignments of the 1890s made for safer seats where lawmakers could tuck in for a long ride.
Maybe it is time to kick all the incumbent ‘good ole boys and girls’ out and start over with some fresh faces and ideas. While we are at it, let’s get them out of the beltway and put them back into the states and districts were they are from. Why do we need them in D.C.? With all the technological marvels we have to today they can teleconference, blueberry, phone, fax, mutilate and staple to their hearts content. And they can stay where the people who put them in office have access to them and have the ability to keep an eye on them. You know, like are they really showing up for work, and who is that going into the office continually?
They could eliminate having to buy or rent homes ‘away from home’, and we could turn all the perks like the Congressional Golf Course, dining rooms, and other facilities over to public use. Nancy wouldn’t even need the Gulfstream on a weekly basis. How many billions could be saved?

A man's got to know
his limitations!
his limitations!