Saturday, February 21, 2009


China expresses relief over Clinton visit:
1 hour ago

BEIJING (AFP) — Hillary Clinton's trip to Beijing has come as a relief to China after the US secretary of state steered clear of human rights and other sensitive issues to focus on cooperation between the world powers.

Just before arriving in the Chinese capital, Clinton told reporters that while she would press concerns over human rights: “Those issues can’t interfere on the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crisis.”

Hillary Clinton is redefining herself to some extent (again?). After going to Beijing in 1995 as first lady to deliver an impassioned speech on women’s rights, Mrs. Clinton has sidelined human rights on this trip, saying she does not want the topic to interfere with central issues like climate change or the economic crisis.

Here are the words of U.S. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton in April of 2008 less than one year ago. "These events underscore why I believe the Bush administration has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China. ...

But this year we get this:

Clinton: Chinese 'human rights can't interfere' with other crises

Dissidents held during Clinton Beijing visit

Clinton focusses on selling US treasury bills to China

China still sure of US bonds: Clinton

Clinton says America and China must work together

Clinton: US to 'deepen and broaden relationship' with China

Ahhh, the Fresh Face of Diplomacy!