Obama takes first Air Force One trip to Williamsburg
Let me see if I have this correct. Obama takes his first Air Force One trip to Williamsburg?
Williamsburg, Virginia? The town that is 152 miles from Washington, DC?
Did he just need to take a ride and try out his new 'wheels'?
Are you kidding me?
Has anyone thought to calculate what it cost to fly Marine Corp One to Andrews Air Force Base?
Then load up on a 4,000 square foot flying office and travel to Virginia? (152 miles)
How many military people and staff did this require?
Did the C-141 cargo jet that carries the Presidential Limo and staff cars make the trip as well?
Was the Air Force AWACS plane flying overhead?
Was the military and air traffic control on special alert because the President was in the air?
How many millions did this cost?
Are you kidding me?
Is this the same person who criticized the ‘Big Three’ CEO’s for taking a corporate jet to Washington from Detroit?
Is this the President that is calling for personal responsibility and a ‘new way’ of doing business?
Is this the President who has promised accountability and transparency?
Is this the President who is asking for a Trillion dollar spending plan?
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Lets just hope he doesn’t take it to Camp David next week!